Sunday, May 9, 2010


I had planned to publish my annual blog report VIII on my 8th blogiversary on May 7, but it got stuck in the pipeline! ;) After eight years of blogging, I thought I could celebrate, so I went to 3 Små Rum (3 small rooms in Swedish) pub and had one bottle of Three Philosophers beer.

Drinking Three Philosophers beer. Celebrating my 8th blogiversary. Cheers! EGO #GoodThing — at Tre Små Rum than a minute ago via Gowalla

[Editor's note: Tweet screen shot "baked" by Blackbird Pie of Twitter Media.]

Three Philosophers Beer

[Editor's comment: Do you have suggestions for the three philosophers? I pick: Aristole, Ayn Rand and Dr. Leonard Peikoff.]

Last year I wrote down the following points:

  • Strive to become a thought leader by attending Larry Genkin's Thought Leadership Marketing Mastery eCourse.
  • Write e-pamphlets / e-books on topics like the trader principle and hot & spicy stuff.
  • Assist and work together with "Charlie Bloom" on the start-up of NetZpider Network.
  • Continue with the podcast interviews on a regular basis. Please come with suggestions on guests and topics you are interested in.
  • Write pieces for other blogs, e.g., Open Forum by American Express. I am very glad that I have the opportunity to contribute with material to Anita Campbell's Small Business Trends.
  • Lead courses on social media this autumn. [EGO, ANNUAL BLOG REPORT VII, 05/07/09.]

I will be in contact with Larry Genkin and discuss his plan for "Personal Marketing Secret." I will read Helena Bouchez's white paper, Unique and Great and Visible: Three qualities of recognized industry experts. I found it via Susan Bratton's podcast (Helena Bouchez on Becoming a Recognized Marketing Expert).

In order to offer a valuable service to my clients who are interested personal branding and their online reputation, I have applied for ReputationDefender's affiliate program.

The e-pamphlet / e-book is still on the drawing board...

According to Kalle Blomqvist (a.k.a "Charlie Bloom"), NetZpider will be launched at Sharea (Sharea = Share + Area) in Gothenburg, on May 21.

I have had three courses on social media so far and we (Sensus and EGO) have planned to have a workshop in June and a new course in the autumn.

For my blogging plans, here is an excerpt from my post, AFTER EIGHT YEARS OF BLOGGING:

I want to continue to write pieces for other blogs, e.g., Open Forum by American Express. I am very glad that I have the opportunity to contribute with material to Anita Campbell's Small Business Trends and Small Business Trend Radio. I enjoy being a moderator at the social bookmarking and networking site BizSugar. I have received an offer from the marketing manager of ClearSense (part of European Directories) to start writing guest blog posts. (EGO, 05/03/10)

My main focus now is to get a good start with my new series of podcast interviews on Blog Talk Radio. First out is John Cox on May 23.

And now time for some stats...


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Thanks for reading this annual blog report and for your support during these years! I want to end this post with a music piece (Gene Krupa - Kick It) on SwiftFM.


  1. Thank you for giving me a nice start of the day whith swingjazz and some nice reading. /Christer S.

  2. Christer,

    Thank you very much for your kind words!

    All the Best,

