Wednesday, May 7, 2003


Here I am, one year later. It has been fun, interesting and rewarding to blog. I will continue to do it as long as I think it is worth spending time on doing it. Right now, I definitively get a "kick out of it". EGO blog has become my own web portal and start page. It is a place for me to archive things that I think are interesting to save for the future. It is a great way of keeping online articles in one place. It is also very convenient to have your favorite links and bookmarks in the sidebar of the blog.

Why did I start to blog? One reason is the great opportunity to be able to vent your views in public. I have the chance to comment on today's news in a quick and direct way. I think that blogging is a great way of spreading better ideas. Bill Thompson who is technology consultant, writes the following about the blogging phenomena:

"I just do not subscribe to the view that this challenges 'proper' journalism, even if it does mean that sloppy reporting and analysis based on incorrect assertions are more likely to be challenged by the online community."

I don't agree with his view. I think that the blogosphere has challenged the mainstream media and the journalists. I am not an journalist and I don't aspire to be one. My blog is a hobby, not a full time job. I will probably never be able to write long essays like Steven Den Beste, but I got the chance to comment on one of his interesting posts, Pile On. For another tidbit of his writing, please read his thoughts on "stickiness", site traffic, and blogrolling, et.c., in his post, Inverse network effect.

I am more of a "linker" hybrid. I prefer to write short posts on regular basis with links to interesting articles, and now and then, write longer pieces. My intention is to write more posts on ethics in the future. It will definitively take some time and practice in order to reach the same level as Meryl Yourish. For an interesting review, read the post, Two years gone: A look back, and a look inside. Maybe I should take some time and study the 7 Habits of Highly Successful Bloggers.

Here is another quote by Bill Thompson:

"Anything which allows more people to share their points of view, record their experiences and reach out to other people is to be welcomed." From his post Gagging the bloggers.

It is now time to acknowledge some fellow bloggers. Please read Mapchic's post, Acckk!!!, if you want to get in the right mood. I found her blog, Geographica, via Tim Blair.

First of all, I want to thank my readers. Thanks to you who have signed up with Bloglet for updates of my blog. According to recent Site Meter statistics, my blog has on average 50 visitors / 90 page views per day. For a comparison, InstaPundit gets on average 68,600 visitors / 82,100 page views per day! I want to thank the individuals who have sent me email messages and used the comment feature, and signed the guestmap on my blog. I appreciate your feedback very much. Please keep 'em coming!
I am glad that I have got in touch with many nice individuals through my blog. It is reassuring to know that you could find kindred spirits around the world.

Before I continue, please have a coffee / tea break.

I must start with the guy who made it all possible to have my own blog. Evan Williams: Thanks for creating a great tool! Keep up the good work! I am sure that you will keep up with the competition!

I want to thank each of you who have linked to my blog. I am ranked # 19,866 of 134,387 on BlogStreet, so keep linking! *grin* ;) EGO BlogShares could be the right investment for you!$

I want to thank everyone on my blogroll. I enjoy reading your stuff. Maybe I will change the list in the future, reflecting a change of my reading pattern.

I want to highlight a few bloggers:

Fredrik Norman: You have been a great inspiration with your well designed blog with great content. You are my "blog parent".
John Cox & Allen Forkum: Thanks for your editorial cartoons. They have caught a great attention. I enjoy your book, Black & White World, very much!
M�rten Barck @ Watch: Thanks for promoting my new blog, Lukeion, in a great way. I am honored to be on your list of the Site of the week.
Michael Moynihan @ the Politburo: Thanks for defending America. Sweden and the rest of the countries in Europe, are in need of supporters like you.

I will add some new features to the Support category in the near future. I will add more books to my wish lists at Amazon. Most of my books are stored in America. I look forward to the day when I have access to my library again. In the meantime, I have to survive by getting books delivered to my location in Sweden. The wish list is both a reminder to myself, acting as an online reading list, and giving friends a hint for great gifts. By the way: my birthday is coming up... :)

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