This evening the Swedish television aired the PBS Frontline documentary, The Man Who Knew. Have you read the book, The Man Who Warned America: The Life and Death of John O'Neill, the FBI's Embattled Counterterror Warrior by Murray Weiss?
I took the above picture on my first trip to New York City in 1996. Financial trader Morry Markovitz arranged so I could visit the commodity exchange at the World Trade Center. It was a great experience to walk around on the trading floor and watch capitalism in action! If you are interested in trading, please check out my old site on "WallStreet/Floor/9951" @ GeoCities.
Please take some time and read the following posts:
My post, September 11, 2001.
That Day by Cox & Forkum.
Terror attacks, two years on by Sidney Cammeresi.
To hell with "closure" by Damian Penny.
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