Wednesday, May 29, 2002


The Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism released the report, Patterns of Global Terrorism, on 05/21/02. The New York Post has published a critical article, State's Terror Untruths, by Daniel Pipes. Pipes ends his article as follows:

"In all, this document reflects a mentality in Washington of reluctance to confront unpleasant realities. The danger is clear: He who fools himself about his enemy in time of war is likely to lose that war."

Who do you think is the real enemy in this war? This is a battle between ideas. Read Dr. Edwin A. Locke's editorial, Who Is the More Dangerous Enemy? The Terrorists�Or Our College Professors?

Tuesday, May 28, 2002


From The Washington Post, 05/28/02: "The United States has fought the war on terrorism at the expense of human rights, eroding its credibility as a global leader on humanitarian issues, Amnesty International said Tuesday."

Here is a quote from Amnesty International's Annual Report:

"Amnesty International urged that respect for human rights encompass not only the universality, but also the indivisibility of all rights, economic, social and cultural as well as civil and political. As globalization spreads, bringing greater wealth to some and destitution and despair to others, human rights activists must promote not just legal justice but also social justice."

Is "social justice" a buzz word for the redistribution of wealth, based on the evil premise of egalitarianism?


DeNeen L. Brown at The Washington Post, has written an article with the title, Signs of Thaw in a Desert of Snow. The author is trying to make the reader concerned about "climate change" in the Arctic region. Look at the emotional language the author is using in the text, without any factual support:

"There is increasing evidence that the Arctic, this desert of snow, ice and killing cold wind, one of the most hostile and fragile places on Earth, is thawing. Glaciers are receding. Coastlines are eroding. Lakes are disappearing. Fall freezes are coming later. The winters are not as cold. Mosquitoes and beetles never seen before are appearing. The sky seems to be clapping as thunderstorms roll where it was once too cold for them." ... "While scientists debate the causes of climate change and politicians debate whether to ratify the Kyoto accord to reduce greenhouse gas emissions that many scientists believe cause global warming, the Inuit who live in Canada's Far North say they are watching their world melt before their eyes."

For a more scientific approach, go to The Science & Environmental Policy Project. Read Andrew Dalton's comment on the above mentioned article.

John Hiler has written a long analysis on the "blogosphere." William Quick coined the term "blogosphere." I have seen comments on John Hiler's article on Capital Influx and InstaPundit. Here is an interesting quote from John Hiler's article, Blogosphere: the emerging Media Ecosystem:

"In many ways, the Blogosphere has become the default forum for intellectual discourse, a sort of intercontinental coffeehouse buzzing with discussion and debate."

It is time for a cup of cappuccino, a cigarillo, and an intellectual conversation!

I have added Microcontent News to the Resources category.

Friday, May 24, 2002


of Tipper Gore. Drudge Report has a link to a story on CNN called, Tipper Gore: Daily alerts 'exhausting' for mental health. CNN's Paula Zahn has interviewed Tipper Gore. Tipper Gore is described as a "longtime mental health advocate." Is that another word for a supporter of socialized medicine? Do you have stomach to read some of Gore's thoughts? Here are some scary quotes:

"And the other thing that's a little concerning to me is they're not really telling us what to do. And I would like to know that. I would like to know that as a mother. I would just like to know that because I like to have a plan of action." ... "And I'm so proud of the fact that he won the majority of votes in this country, because that says to me that everything that he talked about -- you know, civil rights and women's rights and inclusion and caring about the environment -- all of those things are the kinds of things that most of the American people cared about. And that's the direction they wanted to see the country go in."

She wants the State to "take care" of us and our "fruits of labor." She wants to have a majority rule instead of a constitutional republic. For a rational solution, read Dr. Michael Hurd's post, Principle of Life, Not of Convenience .


I have added a link to Glenn Reynolds' blog, InstaPundit. I have some comments on two of his posts from yesterday:

Link to InstaPundit's archive: "JUSTIN WEITZ reports that Norwegian grocery stores..."
I think it is "something rotten in..." Norway. The Scandinavian countries have been pro-Palestinian terrorists and anti-Israel for a long time. I think that Justin Weitz' "labelling" suggestions are on the target, except for his description of America as "the world's premier democracy." America is a constitutional republic, not a democracy.

Link to InstaPundit's archive: "FAR OUT? When I wrote this column for TechCentralStation..."
Environmentalists are against every form of development. They don't think that the human being has the right to improve the environment he lives in. Read Ronald Pisaturo's article, Mars: Who Should Own It.


Here are two interesting articles:
Internet navigators think small by Alan Boyle.
Will the Blogs Kill Old Media? by Steven Levy.
Check out InstaPundit.

I am enjoying Anthony Bourdain's book, Kitchen Confidential, very much. I am now "chewing" on the Second Course [p. 55 - 101] of the book. He is very frank in his opinions. Here is a great example:

"Vegetarians, and their Hezbollah-like splinter faction, the vegans, are a persistent irritant to any chef worth a damn. To me, life without veal stock, pork fat, sausage, organ meat, demi-glace, or even stinky cheese is a life not worth living. Vegetarians are the enemy of everything good and decent in the human spirit, an affront to all I stand for, the pure enjoyment of food." [p. 70]

Right on! Have a "bite" of this: People Eating Tasty Animals.

Talking about food, I have added a Blog called, The Making of a Restaurant.

Wednesday, May 22, 2002


From The Washington Post: "The Phoenix FBI agent who wrote a memo last summer warning about possible terrorists at U.S. flight schools told lawmakers yesterday that he never expected officials at FBI headquarters to respond immediately to his suggestion for an investigation and that he never envisioned the kinds of attacks that took place Sept. 11."

For a great analysis, read Robert Tracinski's column, What They Knew and When They Knew It, on Creators Syndicate's web site.


I have added a new category called Humor. I have picked Jason Roth's web site, Save the Humans, and the Swedish magazine called Gr�nk�pings Veckoblad.

"Humor is a metaphysical negation. We regard as funny that which contradicts reality: the incongruous and the crotesque." -- Ayn Rand (1958) ["Special Forms of Literature," The Art of Fiction, page 165.]

I have added Google Zeitgeist and The Pepys Project to the Resources category.

The Bush administration has now labeled Iran of being "the most active state sponsor of terrorism." I hope they have read Leonard Peikoff's article, End States Who Sponsor Terrorism. It was published as a full-page ad in The New York Times on 10/02/01.


Has the symbol of sacrifice, the crucifix, become a fashion item? Here is what the Vatican has to say about this new trend:

"Is it right to spend thousands on a sacred symbol of Christianity and then in a non-Christian manner forget those who suffer and die from hunger in the world?"

My suggestion is that you start to subscribe to rational ideas. Read Leonard Peikoff's book, Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand. I have decided to wear the symbol of the free mind, the Dollar Sign.

I have added Godless Capitalist and Capital Influx to the Blogs category.

Monday, May 20, 2002


Listen to 22 spots John Cleese did for the American Philosophical Association. After you have listened to the funny messages, take some time and think about the serious role of philosophy in your life. Support the mission of The Objectivist Academic Center and the purpose of The Ayn Rand Society.

I have added a link category called Resources. Please tell me if you know some good resources on the Internet.

Now you could receive updates from my weblog by e-mail. Go to the bottom of the page and enter your e-mail address. This service is powered by Bloglet.

Steve Ditko is the co-creator of Spider-Man:
Wizard #124: Who is Steve Ditko?
Man Behind Spider-Man Unmasked.
A Mini-History - "Some Background" � 2001 S. Ditko.
Static: Steve Ditko's Battle of Ideas by Rodney Schroeter.

For more information, go to Blake Bell's web site.


I have created The Good Life community. Check it out!

Read Jabberwiney by Jon Cohen. I am thinking of buying Ann Noble's Wine Aroma Wheel.

I have signed up for BlogSnob(TM).

Saturday, May 18, 2002

Thursday, May 16, 2002


If you missed the program on Ayn Rand and The Fountainhead, you could watch the repeat today, at 8 PM EST. Join the Ayn Rand discussion forum on C-SPAN's web site.

I have added a web counter from Siter Meter. I have added some more links. Please check them out!

Dr. Panayiotis Zavos of the Andrology Institute of America testified before the House Government Reform Subcommittee on Criminal Justice, Drug Policy and Human Resources on Capitol Hill Wednesday, May 15. Here is a quote:

"I believe that it is the right of the American people to choose whether or not they want to have this technology available to them. Let us educate ourselves and debate the issues and not make irrational decisions based upon fear of a new technology."

For more information, go to The Human Cloning Foundation. Andrew Lewis will talk about this topic on Sunday, May 19.

Wednesday, May 15, 2002


I have started to read Anthony Bourdain's book, Kitchen Confidential - Adventures in the Culinary Underbelly. Listen to an interview with Bourdain. Watch the interview with Johnny Vaughan. Bourdain is not a supporter of vegetarians! Check out the web site of People Eating Tasty Animals. They have a link to Edwin Locke's essay, Animal �Rights� and the New Man Haters. Volkert van der Graaf, who is a suspect in the assassination of the political candidate Pim Fortyun, said the following regarding his ideas on animal "rights":

"My actions don't come so much from love for animals, I just have a basic standard: "what happens to animals in factory farming is not right". For the rest I just act rationally, I don't have to be an animal friend to protect animals."

That's a true statement of a man hater!

Tuesday, May 14, 2002


I have added some more links on my page. You could now give me comments on my posts. This feature is created by YACCS. I look forward to hear from you!

Sunday, May 12, 2002


You could now watch the program, American Writers: Ayn Rand and The Fountainhead, on C-SPAN's web site. I watched the program, and I enjoyed it very much. It is a positive sign that Ayn Rand's life, philosophy, and writings are covered in a program on TV. Eric Daniels, Jeff Britting, and Leonard Peikoff did a great job presenting Ayn Rand's ideas. I had problem with some of the viewers' attitude and their negative questions. For a related issue, read James S. Valliant's essay, The Passion of Ayn Rand's Critics.

Saturday, May 11, 2002

Thursday, May 9, 2002


I have started to read Andrew Bernstein's novel, Heart of a Pagan - The Story of Swoop. For more information, go to the publisher, The Paper Tiger, Inc.

The European Union doesn't believe in free trade. The commission wants to stop the so called "competitive disadvantage" against the rest of the world by introducing a value-added tax (VAT). Do you wonder what's going on in the head of a bureaucrat in Europe? Check out a proposal for a new design of the EU flag.


Book your calendar. On May 10 - 14, you could attend the Ayn Rand Film Festival & Symposium in Los Angeles, California. AT&T has co-sponsored this event. C-SPAN will broadcast a program on Ayn Rand on May 12, at 3 PM EST.

Wednesday, May 8, 2002


Here is another reason why I don't want to live in Sweden. The standard of living in Sweden is much lower than in America. Read about The Swedish Research Institute of Trade's (Handelns Utredningsinstitut) study. The Swedish newspaper, Dagens Nyheter, has started a debate on this topic. (Please note that the debate is in the Swedish language.) Sweden has the highest total tax pressure in the world!

I value the American sense-of-life. America is the "Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave."

Tuesday, May 7, 2002


Is it in your interest to defend Israel? Please go to the Ayn Rand Institute's Ad Hoc Publication: In Moral Defense of Israel. Here are some more links:
Prodos Institute's Israel Campaign
Patriots for the Defense of America

Read Andrew Dalton's post regarding the Libertarian movement. "The hippies of the right" are on the same side as the terrorists! Check out Justin Raimondo's article, The Warbloggers.

Welcome to my weblog! Please take some time and read the article, The Civilization of Selfishness by Dinesh D Souza. Do you think the article in Forbes is on the right track, or is it lacking something? In order to fight for better ideas, please visit The Center for the Moral Defense of Capitalism.

Do you need a guideline in your life? What's the principle of selfishness?
"To redeem both man and morality, it is the concept of "selfishness" that one has to redeem." -- Ayn Rand (1964) ["Introduction," The Virtue of Selfishness, page VII.]