[Editor's note: You are welcome to make a donation to a "poor" capitalist.]
I need a mental break from the blogosphere for a short period. It would be great if I could get some of my fellow (blog) friends to do a little guest blogging as they did in August 2005. If you (reader / blogger) are interested in blogging on EGO, please comment on this post or send me a note by email. You are welcome to spread the word...

And now for some "stats":
At this moment, EGO has an "authority" of 65 and a "rank" of 67,136 according to Technorati.
Here is a snapshot from Sitemeter traffic counter. My traffic has gone down a bit, compared with previous years. I have roughly around 100 visits / page views per day.
I will add Google Analytics to this blog later on. First, I have to change the template...
So, what will happen on EGO in the near future? I will try to catch up with some of the new trends in business blogging. I will conduct a couple of interviews for my podcasting / radio show Egoist. Craig Biddle has said that he is interested in an interview sometime this summer / autumn.
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