The pieces of the content creation process are starting to get together. Maybe as a tangram?
- My three words for the new (Persian) year: Coin(age), Trade, Victory (sign).
- B.N.P. toolbox: Blogging, Newsletter(ing), Podcasting
- L.I.F.T. framework: LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter
- Live streaming and digital town halls.
- Monday Open thread on Instagram. Post on digital town hall.
- Tuesday Tech live streaming (for the time being on EasyLive, in the future on TeaParty.Media) and blog post.
- Wednesday Wrap on LinkedIn and post on digital town hall.
- Thursday Throwback on Facebook, and Storm in a Teacup live streaming with Boomcaster for future episode of EGO NetCast podcast.
- Friday Follow on Twitter and post on digital town hall.
- Saturday Siesta live streaming on Tea Party Media digital town hall, powered by Haaartland, and podcasting.
- Sunday note to self, weekly review, and issue of Lyceum Bulletin newsletter.
Talking about puzzles, listen to Maria Rubia's tune, Pieces Of My Life, and my conversation with her.