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Please read my post, GOODTHING IN LIFE CARNIVAL AND CHAT, and then submit your entry at Blog Carnival.About this edition: Please send your Thanksgiving recipes. It is time we are commemorating the first official Thanksgiving in Jamestown, Virginia.
If you don't have a recipe related to Thanksgiving, please tell me about your favorite dish, beverage, drink, etc.
As a chile head, I enjoy receiving posts on hot & spicy stuff...
You are welcome to share your "glorious lunch break" (quote by Mary Ann Sures) moments and other good things in your life.
The submission deadline is at midnight (Pacific Time), on November 21. If you have an entry after this date, please send it by email [ LYCEUM at GMAIL dot COM ] before November 28. The carnival post will be published on November 28. I am planning to arrange a Twitter chat [ hashtag # GoodThingInLife ] on Twubs one week after the post is published, probably on December 6. We could then discuss the entries, talk about your Thanksgiving celebration and upcoming carnivals.