Do you think it is possible to start a freedom project in Cuba similar to the Spirit of America's campaign in Iraq and Afghanistan? Isn't time to get rid of Fidel Castro, once for all? I want to smoke a Havana cigar soon! (EGO, 03/06/05.)
George Moneo of Babalu Blog has started a meme with the slogan: ¡Ya no mas! – "I've had enough!" [Via Publius Pundit.]
Everything around us, that is created by man, was once just a thought. The power of the mind to create reality is beyond dispute. These words can empower the people of Cuba with the spirit of liberty. Despite all that the government can do to them, they can still say them and they can still think them. I hope they pass the meme along, paint the words on buildings, write them on the sidewalk, write them in their ration books. All they have to do is to believe them. (, 08/04/05.)
Maybe John Cox could create a Newsmaker Caricature of Fidel Castro? I guess that Hugo Chávez's "oily" revolution will be covered in Gus Van Horn's next Chinamerica Threat Roundup.
We have plenty of Castro supporters here in the "socialist paradise of Sweden." The Swedish-Cuban Association sent a greeting to the "Palestine solidarity conference" in Gothenburg. Revolutionary Communist Youth in Sweden posted the message on their website:
Through their revolution 1959 the Cubans won state power for the country's progressive people's forces. This Cuban state power is used consequently by the people to struggle for social justice and peace in the world. We see it by the way Cuba works so hard in International organisations, for instance in the United Nations. Through its principled work and bravery Cuba is amongst those in the lead against the illegal Zionist wall, against the apartheid policy of the Israeli state, and for the application of international law in support of the rights of the Palestinian People. (
Will Elián González grow up as a free man, like Walter Polovchak?
A few years ago, he even traveled to Miami to support Elian Gonzalez's American relatives in their efforts to keep the young boy in the U.S. He saw Elian just days before he was returned to Cuba, something he calls an invasion. (, 08/01/05.)
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