In the meantime, check out my timeline on Plurk and feel free to give me suggestions on topics that I should write about. Check out the Skribit widget in the right column, under the tag cloud section. Please read Blogger Block: The Four-Step Program by Annie Binns. [Via Dennis McDonald, LinkedIn YahooGroups.] [Editor's comment: I will not do all the parts of step 3 ("Step 3: Admit to God, ourselves and the blogging community the general nature of our wrongs.") as you could understand. By the way: I had a refreshing talk with a couple from England at a local pub the other day. They called themselves non-believers and expressed rational ideas on how to tackle religious people.]

Blogger's Dilemma
Maybe I am starting to have a conundrum over this post in particular and blogging in general? I better ask the hot teacher...

Blogger's Cycle
I have gone back to my post, WRITING DOWN NEW RESOLVING THOUGHTS, and have been thinking of the core values regarding my career, hobbies and relationships. I have got the following summer reading and watching material:
- Do This. Get Rich. by Jim Britt.
- Speed of Trust by Stephen M.R. Covey.
- Beyond the Goal by Eli Goldratt.
- Supermat by Helena Nyblom.
- The Collapse of the Dollar and How to Profit from it by James Turk & John Rubino. Read Charles Vollum's post, Is the Dollar Doomed?
Here is an excerpt from the article, Firms 'miss' social site success by Maggie Shiels.
Businesses are missing out on the huge potential that social networks present, a leading information technology company has warned.
Researchers for Gartner found that huge opportunities for improving the management of large firms exist. (BBC, 07/11/08.)
I have signed up for a business social network called APSense.

I want to end this post on a beautiful note. Did you watch the Miss Universe pageant? [Editor's note: I look forward to Body in Mind's review of the show.]
I'll be interested in seeing what you do about getting back into podcasting - I'm interested in doing the same after having been involved in The Podcast Roundtable ( a couple of years ago. What killed me was the editing.