Sunday, February 20, 2005


Do you think that the gold price is on its peak? I have been interested in commodities for a long time. I think the interest came with my work as a purchaser of raw materials. As a "poor" capitalist, I haven't been able to trade on the commodity exchange yet. I have done some paper trading. I admit that I have read Ken Roberts's World's Most Powerful Trading Manual, but luckily I steared away from the "holy grail" and trader "gurus," before I "lost my ass"... After reading Trader Mike's post, Trading 101: Recommended Reading - 'Trend Following', and Michael Covel's posts, Greenspan's Crystal Ball and Ayn Rand, I decided to add the book, Trend Following: How Great Traders Make Millions in Up or Down Markets, to my wish list at

Is it the right time to become a gold "bug"? Read The Glory of Gold by Jonathan Hoenig. Here is an excerpt from the article.

While gold's value might fluctuate, the fact that it has value hasn't changed for 5,000 years. In all practical terms, gold is money. It has no board of directors or debt. It will never rust, decay or file Chapter 11. Gold boasts no Ebitda, nonexpensed stock options, conflicts of interest or accounting tricks. Gold is beholden to no one. Gold is merely a store of wealth. It doesn't do is simply owned. (, 07/24/02.)

For more on the price of gold, go to the Gold Institute and the World Gold Council.

In the news:
Looking For Weblog Gold (Internet Week). [Via Trader Mike.] [Editor's note: This article is not about gold per se, but it is an interesting piece on blog advertising.]

Weblogs have yet to show much potential for attracting advertisers, but that doesn't stop people from looking for the path to that pot of gold. (, 02/06/05.)

Talking about advertising, please welcome back SJC Gold and Handicrafts as an advertiser. Please note that my friend Christer Sjöback has a new web site and URL. Check out his Dollar Sign Collection at

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