Monday, March 2, 2009


Here is an excerpt from U.S. Common Sense's website review of EGO [Editor's note: Please read the comments on the post.]:

EGO derives its name from Egoist; a person who is devoted to their own interest and advancement. It is this ideal that many American’s possessed to become successful. It is also a good description of bloggers everywhere - including myself – since we strive to advance our understanding of politics while exploring our interests in a public format. In his quest for advancement, Martin provides the readers three formats to choose from in order to learn about his positions and views on economics and politics. When I first started writing this review, I wasn’t sure how to address this without including his other two sites in the review as well. This multi-site format is unique to our current list of reviewed websites, so let me take a moment to cover them in brief.

The first site is Martin’s primary blog. EGO is a multipurpose website (a “pundit style” as he calls it) covering politics, capitalism, blogging, religion, military, and more. Narrowing the scope of the review down to politics and capitalism, you get a good sense of where he would fit within the American society. With a keen interest in U.S. free-market system and philosophical references to Ayn Rand, Martin could easily find a home in the United States. If you look at his post “Christopher Cox at the Securities and Exchange Commission,” you get a feel of his pundit style. With 20 separate links in one post, Martin discusses the appointment of Mr. Cox to the SEC and the criticisms and praises Cox received for his acceptance of the philosophy of Ayn Rand towards corporations and free enterprise. (, February 26, 2009.)

I will contribute with links and materials to Political Blog Weekly section now and then. Please feel free to send me tips on interesting stuff that could fit. I will inform U.S. Common Sense about Paul Hsieh's post, Ayn Rand and the Tea Party Protests, for the next edition.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Martin for allowing me to review your site. I found it very informative. Keep up the good work!
