Friday, April 23, 2004


In the news:

"Swedish radio reported that the three Iraqis and one Swede of Lebanese origin were involved in Feb. 1 suicide bombings in Irbil, Iraq, that killed 109 people. Authorities would not confirm the report.

Court documents released Friday identified them as Ferman Abdulla, Ali Berzengi and Shabo Shabab of Iraq, and Lebanese-born Bilal Ramadan. They were arrested in police raids Monday and ordered held Friday for a week on suspicions of terrorism." (Boston Herald / AP, 04/23/04.)

And here is a comment from the Muslim community in Sweden:

"Mahmoud Aldebe, chairman of Sweden's Association of Muslims, said there was not "a single Muslim in Sweden who deserves to be called terrorist"." (BBC, 04/20/04.)

The Guardian notes how ill-fated the situation is in Sweden:

"The arrests surprised many in this placid Scandinavian country, which didn't support the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq and has been historically neutral since 1814. But intelligence officials told The Associated Press that Sweden could be an attractive location as a center for terrorist support groups coordinating attacks outside of Europe." (Matt Moore, 04/23/04.)

UPDATE 04/24/04:

Mahmoud Aldebe is active in the Muslim Council of Sweden ("Sveriges Muslimska Råd" / SMR in Swedish). Here is a quote from a case study ("The Legal Status of Islamic Minorities") by Jonas Otterbeck, University of Malmö:

"The specific mission of the SMR is to create mosques and Islamic schools, publish information material about Islam directed towards the non-Muslims in Sweden, and take active part in the public debate in society."

If you want to know what kind of different activities they have in the mosques, read my post, ISLAMIC FATWA MEETING IN SWEDEN.

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