From my post, ADS POPPING UP:
I will test a mix of different advertising options and evaluate them during some time. My goal is to continue to build up the traffic to my EGO blog, publish interesting, enjoyable and valuable content and continue the conversation and exchange of ideas with my fellow bloggers, readers, and friends through this blog, Twitter, FriendFeed, Facebook, LinkdedIn, etc.
I am especially interested in fostering my relation with BlogAds ("Blog advertising makes opinion.") and see if I could attract some new advertisers. I will place an ad on a blog sometime in the future. I will see if some of my future guests on my podcast show on SolidVox could be interested in advertising on EGO.
I am thinking of adding a "featured item" section on my blog, with books that I have discussed on my blog.
It will be interesting to see how it works out with the new premium ad feature by Chitika. (EGO, 02/14/09.)
I am searching for affiliate programs that could become a good fit. Read Chris Brogan's post, My Worry Reduction Buttons- Affiliate Marketing. Found via Chris Garrett's post, Why I Switched to the Headway Premium Theme for WordPress.
If you want to join the next generation of communication platforms, you should check out GreenWin Network. [Editor's note & full disclosure: Affiliate link.] As a member you could call other members free of charge.

Do you have any comments on the layout of the blog? Blogger has introduced a new template designer.
Photo taken at an exhibition (Innovesign 2010 - Lindholmen Design & Product Development) at Lindholmen Science Park in Gothenburg, Sweden.

Morris is a cool cat as always and says that EGO should join Friday Ark #295 and then check out Flattr...[Editor's note: Thank you Navid Modiri & David Stiernholm for the invite code.]
From Miikka Kukkosuo's post, Flattr Enables Social Micropayments For All Content On The Web:
Flattr is a new Swedish service enabling easy microtransactions, or social donations, for the whole web. Flattr wants to make it easy for people to share money in addition to content on the web, and thus allow content producers to get income on their work. The service is currently in closed beta, but I got an account to take a closer look.
In practice, every Flattr member needs to pay at least 2 euros per month (you can up to 5/10/20 as well). Then, during each month, you discover content on the web that you really like, be it text, audio, video, or something else, and you want to “flatter” the creator. You then click a small button the content creator has placed on her site. After each month is over, your monthly allowance (e.g., 2 euros) is divided evenly to all of the content creators whose work you have “flattred” during the month. Flattr itself takes 10% cut initially. (ArcticStartup, 05/05/10.)
[Editor's note: Please click the button if you want test the Flattr service and support my blogging.]
Installed Flattr on my blog a week ago, really love the concept. And there is a strong desire to support this and similar ideas even if they don't generate an instant income - this is the future.