Sunday, January 16, 2005


I think it is time to do a short follow-up post regarding my NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION, and write about my career path plans. Wayne Hurlbert's post, Unemployed? Here is some help, got me thinking on how to prepare my international job search. I want to work for a special type of business organization. Where do I find the prime movers of today's business world? For your headhunters out there: I am available on the job market after I returned from my project in Hungary and finished my school report in May.

Here is an excerpt from Anita Campbell's PowerBlog Review of my EGO blog.

Martin unabashedly admires the United States as a place of freedom -- economic, political and personal. His views are a refreshing counterpoint to news reports of European anti-Americanism, such as the anti-Americanism exhibited during the recent Olympic games. He worked in the United States for a time and he tells me his goal is to return someday. (Small Business Trends, 08/29/04.)

Do you know about any career networks and blogs?

UPDATE 01/18/05:
I have joined LinkedIn career network. [Editor's note: M.K., Thanks for the invitation!] Here is an excerpt from the article, The Great Debate: Quality or Quantity?

Above all, respect that there is no one right approach, and that what works for you may not work well for someone else. Seek out venues where you will meet the kind of people who can support you -- and who you can support -- in achieving your professional goals, determine the strength of relationships you want with them, and gradually grow the number of people in your network at a pace that allows you to maintain the relationships you've already created.(

In the news:
  • OracleSoft, LinkedIn and your next job (The National Business Review, NZ).
  • Matchmaker Jobster seeks a better way (Seattle Post-Intelligencer).
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