Did you know that Sweden had censorship laws in place during the WWII? Torgny Segerstedt, chief editor of G�teborgs Handels- och Sj�farts-Tidning, took a stand against Nazi Germany. Segerstedt wrote an article with the title, Herr Hitler �r en f�rol�mpning (translation: "Mr. Hitler is an insult"), on February 3, 1933. Reichsminister G�ring sent a protest by telegram saying: "Als aufrichtiger Freund des schwedischen Volkes sehe ich in solchen schmutzigen Auslassungen eine schwere Gefahr f�r die verwandtschaftlichen und herzlichen Beziehungen beider V�lker." Segerstedt's newspaper was under attack several times. Look at this example of censorship. The "Freedom of the Press Ombudsman" in Sweden, cut out the article on page 3, dated March 12, 1942. But the people at GHT kept the headline, I norska f�ngelser och koncentrationsl�ger (translation: "In Norwegian prisons and concentration camps.")
I have started a new weblog. I wanted to have a place for my r�sum� and my search for a new job in America. Maybe I will integrate my new weblog into this site sometime in the future. I am also thinking of creating a new web site. Please send me suggestions on HTML and web design tools.
Read J. Hector St. John Crevecoeur's essay, What is an American? The author grasped the true essence of the American sense-of-life. Here is a great quote:
"The American ought therefore to love this country much better than that wherein either he or his forefathers were born. Here the rewards of his industry follow with equal steps the progress of his labour; his labour is founded on the basis of nature, self-interest; can it want a stronger allurement? Wives and children, who before in vain demanded of him a morsel of bread, now, fat and frolicsome, gladly help their father to clear those fields whence exuberant crops are to arise to feed and to clothe them all; without any part being claimed, either by a despotic prince, a rich abbot, or a mighty lord."
I have added MSNBC Weblog Central to the Resources category. The site has a list of weblogs, resources, indexes, and "blogspotting" tips edited by Will Femia.
I tasted a cup of Assam Mokalbari today. The tea has many golden top shoots and leaves. The taste is medium strong. I enjoyed the smoothness of the tea. I think that Assam is my favorite type of tea. It is perfect together with a splash of milk.
"Market-makers are not stupid; they know a policy of appeasement when they see it. And they know history, too; they know that appeasement of evil only brings more evil -- and in more virulent forms. In the past year market-makers have seen that the United States and the UN are not serious about fighting terrorism -- that both sponsor terror regimes and condemn Israel whenever it properly and forthrightly fights terror."
Read Steven Den Beste's interesting post, GSM 3G. It was an eye-opener to read about how the bureaucrats in the European Union forced the GSM standard in place, instead of allowing the players on the market to compete and establish the right choice of mobile standard.
"Yesterday morning, I received a Notice of Detention from the Canada Customs and Revenue Agency regarding the pamphlet delivery. The letter stated that "The following goods [the pamphlets] have been detained for a determination of tariff classification as they may constitute obscenity or hate propaganda. You will be notified in writing of the decision.""
After a three-day detention, the Canadian Customs released the pamphlets, according to this press release from the Ayn Rand Institute. The Canadian Customs' act of censorship made headlines around the world:
I have added Project Athene to the Objectivism category. Here is a paragraph from their Mission Statement:
"The key to revealing the truths contained in the science of neuropsychology lies in the integration of modern neurophysiology with the Objectivist metaphysics and epistemology. This integration is the forum's guiding principle -- and the achievement the forum is created to facilitate."